
Unit 1 Model Lesson

Page history last edited by Linda Hayes 14 years, 1 month ago

In the summer notebook, teachers received the Baker's Choice unit as a resource for teaching linear programming.  I took some of the problems from the book and combined them for the unit one model lesson.


Picturing_Pictures.doc is the document that I used with the students. 


picturing_pictures___getting_started.html is a Geogebra interactive page that was used as the students worked along on their papers.


In addition, I used the Geogebra lessons created by Doctor Gober in the summer workshop.  You can find them by starting on the front page of this wiki.  They were very useful to allow the students to see that the "sliding" profit line enables us not only to find profits, but the maximum profit. 


As a follow up to the lesson, I used #2 on Homework 9, found in the Blackline Masters in the back of your book.

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